Overview, Abort Kohort. In front, works by Sigfrid Hernes.

Abort Kohort, drawings, coloured pencils, silver, gold, bronze on black paper pinned to wooden wall. 9 x 110 x 75 cm, 2021.

Hold your hanger high! Drawing, coloured pencil, bronze, on black paper pinned to wall. H: 180 cm, W: 152 cm, 2021.

Å vende tilbake / On Returning, HD video, 6:28 min, 2021. Norwegian voiceover, English subtitles.
Translated by Svein Svarverud. Ipad, Ipad stand, speaker. Link to video.
Translated by Svein Svarverud. Ipad, Ipad stand, speaker. Link to video.
SNAP 2 displays the distinctly individual expressions of four different artists, all of them closely tied to Northern Norway. The artists met during an artists’ residence in Lofoten and decided to collaborate on an exhibition. This resulted in the exhibition SNAP at the cultural centre Meieriet in Leknes, which has now developed into SNAP 2 at Alta Kunstforening.
The artists focus on the nature that surrounds us, but also on how human actions cross boundaries, intervene and control nature and us who are part of it. The title SNAP contradicts the time-consuming artistic expressions. The word snap is most closely associated with a digital message that is shared with others and then quickly disappears, like a snap of your fingers. It describes a mental change quickly forgotten.
Hanne Lydia O. Figenschou (Oslo, Tromsø) presents her work Abort Kohort / Abortion Cohort. The work examines women’s right to make decisions about their bodies and lives, or their lack thereof. The objects in the drawings refer to objects women have had to resort to in order to facilitate an abortion when other means have been prohibited. The coat hanger has become a prominent symbol in the struggle to legalize abortion throughout the world and a reminder of the fragile rights that have been attained in some countries, that abortion is strictly forbidden in others, and how these rights are continuously attacked by conservative forces. The video prose work Om å vende tilbake / On Returning (duration approx. 6 min 28 sec) is based on her own text with a voice-over in Northern Norwegian dialect and English subtitles. The work is premiered at the exhibition SNAP 2 at Alta Kunstforening.
Photos by Kjell Ove Storvik